
COVID-19 Policy

In accordance with the PHO

Only booked clients are to arrive to their appointment, please refrain from bringing friends and family to your service.

We have scheduled time throughout the day to disinfect and sanitize in between clients to keep everyone safe.

If you are feeling unwell, we ask that you contact the salon & spa to rebook your appointment for a later date.

Please consider hand sanitizer supplied upon entry.

Salon & Spa Policies

Please arrive to your appointment on time as there is no waiting room at this time. No later or earlier than scheduled.

We value your business and want to accommodate everyone accordingly. Please provide at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to keep your appointment. Please be advised a NO SHOW FEE may be applied to your next appointment.

We encourage you to have your cell phone ringer off while inside the salon & spa, so that you and fellow clients may have a relaxing experience.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support in allowing us to do what we love.